Eboard Meetings

This page documents RITlug executive board (eboard) meetings. Topics include room booking, preparation, and running of the meeting.

Meeting checklist


The President will triage the RITlug operations board, looking for tasks that require attention. The label review at meeting should be assigned to tasks that need explicit review by eboard.

Each topic to be discussed at an eboard meeting must have a corresponding issue.


  1. Designate a notetaker, typically the secretary, to record discussion points and action items for each task. The notetaker should record their notes in the comments section of each task. At the end of each eboard meeting every task should have a clear set of action items to be worked on.
  2. A member will lead the meeting by reviewing the tasks assigned the review at meeting label.

If new work is discussed during the meeting then a task should be created to track the work within the RITlug operations board.

Date and time

At the start of the semester, a day of week and time should be decided upon by the eboard members during which they are all free to meet on campus. Eboard members who are on co-op or otherwise unavailable for in-person meetings during the semester have the option to be videoconferenced into the meeting.

Holding an eboard meeting several days ahead of the general meeting provides eboard the time to react to last-minute issues, such as speaker cancellations or content review.

Booking a room

A room equipped with a projector or shared display is useful for displaying the RITlug operations board. Booking a room for the semester is recommended.

If this is not an option then a library study room can be reserved on behhalf of the club using EMS. The room WAL-3570 is a large study room with a VGA-powered TV that past eboard meetings have been held in.